Registration of a trademark in Ukraine. A non-resident of Ukraine
Data, conditions, legislation.
The owner of a trademark in Ukraine can be any individual, legal entity or group of individuals — non-residents of Ukraine. It is not necessary to have an operating enterprise in Ukraine.
It is not necessary to have a trademark in the country of origin of a non-resident.
A trademark can be: verbal, figurative, combined, acoustic, a combination of letters, numbers, colors, proper names. The verbal part can be in any language. The application must be submitted to the Patent Office of Ukraine through the official patent attorney of Ukraine. The trademark certificate is valid for 10 years with the right of extension. To complete an application form you need: details of the owner, a high-quality image, a list of goods and / or services with an indication of the classes.
Obligatory payments:
- $80 — a preliminary research of the trademark to explore any possible conflicts;
- $120 – a fee has to be paid upon filing for each class;
- $25 – a fee for a colorful trademark;
- $300 — professional services of a patent attorney;
- $25 – a fee for the publication of a registered trademark;
- $100 – a fee for issuing a certificate;
- $ 100 — services of a patent attorney to receive, check and send a certificate.
- Total minimum price: $750
Possible (optional payments), including state fees and services of a patent attorney (minimum prices are given, which can be increased depending on the situation):
- $500 – an expert examination (8 months);
- $400 – an appeal in the case of a preliminary rejection;
- 400 $ — a transfer of the right to a trademark upon application;
- $400 – to transfer rights to a registered trademark;
- $600 – a registration of a license;
- $750 – the validity period of the certificate is10 years.